In July 2024, the median listing price for a home in Monroe, Louisiana was $265,000, which is a 12.8% increase from the previous year. The median listing price per square foot was $126, and the median home sold price was $148.400.
The average home value in Monroe is $143,751, which is a 2.5% increase from the previous year. Homes in Monroe typically go pending in about 30 days.
The average monthly rent in Monroe is $888
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Choosing Independence has partnered with building blocks to deliever energy efficient smart homes made of ICF. The Build block product is bulletproof, it can withstand winds up to 250 miles an hour, cutting the energy bill to over half the cost. This is the new era product to build with!
When it comes to corners, one BuildBlock ICF corner is the same for right or left applications. Non-reversible ICFs come in left and right-hand corners which create several disadvantages. First, our distributors tell us they can’t count the times when they’ ve picked up the wrong corner with other ICFs and marched to the far end of an installation only to find they needed the other hand corner. Second, when you get to the last course there is a good chance you will have the wrong corners (left or right) remaining. The waste factor for fully reversible ICFs can be as little as 1 or 2%, while waste factors of 5% or more are common with non-reversible ICFs. When using products other than BuildBlock ICFs, you must take this into account, as well as the extra cost for the extra ICFs needed to do the job.
Fully Reversible Form
Longer Corner Blocks
Tie Web Spacing/Attach Points
Webs are expensive and having two more webs in our ICFs gives you the most value added product on the market. All furring strips are 15″ tall by 1.5″ wide per 16″ course and have two distinctive marked (sweet) spots on each furring strip at 8-inch centers vertically and 6-inch centers horizontally. These spots have a screw pull out strength that is roughly equivalent to wood or structural steel studs (close to 500lbs).
Numbered and Marked Cut Lines
BuildBlock ICFs have horizontal and vertical cut lines on both sides of the ICF which allow for much faster and more efficient installation times. The ability to pick a horizontal line for your window and door headers saves countless time in the field. No need for a level to mark a level line to cut on. There is no longer a need to measure your vertical cuts. Simply note the measurement number on the block and cut on its line for a custom cut piece that fits every time.
Half Height Cutting
BuildBlock ICFs are easily cut in half to make half height forms. With the unique web design, the half height form needs no additional bracing. This allows for special height walls without wasting half a block or more on each cut. Use both halves thus eliminating the waste and the extra cuts needed with other ICFs. This also eliminates the need to order special height forms with other systems (if they make them).
Block Bonding
BuildBlock ICFs bond out to even and odd inches from outside to outside and inside to outside corners. They also have a minimum bump factor of -inch when necessary. Of all ICFs in the industry today that have interlocking nubs, most of them have a bump factor of 1 inch or more. (Some ICFs have up to a 6-inch bump factor.) This transforms into less waste on every project as well as walls that match the floor plans of your designs. Another great benefit of BuildBlock’s interlocking connections is the self-draining nature of the design.